Architecture of the Aquarium

Aquatika is situated on the bank of the river Korana. It covers a parcel of approximately 8000 m2 as a two-floor complex with the area of 3000 m2 consisting of three buildings with a ground floor, interconnected by a basement floor. The buildings include a library, a souvenir shop, a restaurant and area for employees. Pools with plants and animals, mainly fish, are located in the basement area.

Congress hall is intended for scientific and professional symposiums, research centre is perfectly equipped for ichtiological research of scientists from various institutes and universities, educational premises are intended for students and younger population, and there is a dark chamber intended for research of endemic fish species. The area between the buildings creates a square with sports-recreational facilities for children and adults. On the roof tops of the Aquarium there are gardens with authentic flora of the area, which help the Aquarium blend in perfectly with the surrounding landscape.